Weight Gain in Pregnancy
Weight Gain in Pregnancy
Common questions in pregnancy are “am I gaining enough weight” or “am I gaining too much weight”?
If you were at a normal weight before becoming pregnant, you’ll probably gain about 25-30 pounds before your baby is born. Your weight gain includes the baby’s weight and other pregnancy related changes in your body. You’ll gain the most weight during the last two trimesters, up to a pound per week.
How much weight you should gain is based on your body mass index (BMI) prior to the start of your pregnancy. We can help you at Premier OBGYN calculate your BMI number and how much weight you should gain to have a healthy pregnancy. The best way to manage your weight is also the best way to stay healthy over the course of your pregnancy by:
-Eating a variety of nutritious, healthy foods
-Exercising about 30 minutes a day (ask your provider what safe exercise is in pregnancy if you are unsure)
-Getting plenty of rest and sleep
Health Pregnancy Weight:
BMI Pregnant with one baby Pregnant with Twins
Underweight <18.5 Gain 28-40 pounds 50-62 pounds
Normal weight 18.5-24.9 Gain 25-35 pounds 37-54 pounds
Overweight 25-29.9 Gain 15-25 pounds 31-50 pounds
Obesity 30 or greater Gain 11-20 pounds 25-42 pounds
Weight management in pregnancy is important because too much weight in pregnancy can increase your risks of complications within pregnancy and during delivery that sometimes in rare cases can be life-threatening to mother and/or baby.
However, remember that every woman is different and every pregnancy even with the same woman is different. Do not be too hard on yourself. If your weight is outside the recommended standards listed, you can always make goals to lose the pregnancy weight postpartum after delivery. There are many benefits to breastfeeding. Breast feeding is a really helpful easy diet plan for some woman. It allows your body to quickly dump calories every few hours.