Caring for Women with Experience and Dedication! 

My Pap is Abnormal! Should I Panic?

No, there's no need to panic if your Pap smear shows ASCUS (Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance). ASCUS is a very common finding in Pap smears, and it often does not indicate a serious problem. Many factors such as infections, inflammation, or even normal variations in cervical cells can cause cells to appear atypical on a Pap smear.

Here's what you should do:

Follow-up with your healthcare provider: Your healthcare provider will typically recommend a follow-up, which may include either a repeat Pap smear or further testing. This is done to determine the cause of the atypical cells and to rule out any potential issues.

Discuss your concerns: Talk to your healthcare provider about your Pap smear results and any concerns you may have. They can explain the next steps and provide you with information specific to your case.

Stay informed: It's essential to stay informed and follow through with any recommended tests or treatments. Regular follow-up and early detection are crucial for managing and treating any potential cervical health issues.

Remember that the vast majority of ASCUS findings do not lead to cervical cancer. The follow-up tests and procedures are designed to provide a more accurate assessment of your cervical health and, if necessary, to address any concerns early on. Always consult with your healthcare provider for guidance specific to your situation.

Allison Osborne, PA-C Allison Osborne, PA-C, is a board-certified Physician Assistant on the team at Premier Obstetrics & Gynecology, which has offices in Maitland, Oviedo, and Lake Mary, Florida. Allison was born in Germany and raised primarily overseas with her military family. She attended Christopher Newport University in Virginia, where she earned her undergraduate degree in Mathematics. Allison graduated with honors with a Master’s degree in Physician Assistant Studies from Nova Southeastern University (Orlando Campus) in 2022. Throughout her career, Allison has gained a wealth of knowledge and experience from her professional experience in primary care. She has always had a passion for Women’s Health and is very excited to provide care for women! Allison and her husband have three amazing children. In her spare time, she enjoys running, playing volleyball, and spending time with her family and kitties. Allison is very excited to have found her professional home with Premier Obstetrics & Gynecology!

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