Having difficulty with low sex drive?

Having difficulty getting that motivation to be intimate?
You are not alone. More than 40% of women have been reported to have sexual concerns. Low desire is the most common sexual problem reported by women followed by low arousal and orgasm difficulties. How often should I be having sex? This question can't be answered by anyone but yourself! It is normal for this to fluctuate with different stages and phases of life. If you feel you should be desiring sex more often, or if you used to want to be more active than now and it is bothering you, you might be struggling with a low libido.
What are the causes of low sexual drive, or low libido?
There are several factors that can impact our sexual drive. Depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions and even those medications that treat those conditions can impact sexual drive. Fatigue, stress, anxiety, and conflicts within a relationship can all hinder sexual drive. Or you may have no conflicts within your relationship and you and your partner are doing great, but for some reason, you just don't want to be intimate. It could be due to the stresses of having children or a high-stress job. It can be difficult to simply find the time in your busy day for such activities. If we are mentally or physically exhausted, it can be most challenging to muster up any ounce of energy. Sometimes what you think you would benefit most from is sleep, but if you give in to the "task" of having sex, usually this can even help you get better sleep. Some women struggle because of previous physical or sexual abuse. Pregnancy, the postpartum time, and all the physical, hormonal, and emotional changes with both can impact our sexual desire for many reasons. Pain during intercourse, which can be from vaginal dryness or conditions like uterine fibroids or endometriosis, can certainly make sex less enjoyable and in turn, impact sexual drive. The perimenopause and menopausal states can have effects on our libido and sexual satisfaction as well. Low libido is often a complex issue.
What can you do about it?
It depends on the underlying cause or causes. Sometimes simply talking to your partner about trying to "spice things up" or how you could make sex better can help. Make an effort to have more frequent date nights or time for just you and your partner. Be with a partner you can be open and honest with. Go to counseling - yes! There are sex therapists and specialists to help with this! Read more romance novels. Stimulate that part of your brain that you are having difficulty tuning in with. Traditional counseling can be beneficial as well in some circumstances. Include your partner in counseling if there are other relationship challenges present. If you are having vaginal dryness, use liberal amounts of lubricant. There are times when certain medical conditions are present, and you might benefit from treatment.
Are there medications that can help my libido?
The answer is yes; however, these medications are limited and can have some serious side effects. In most cases, it is advised to try other things before initiating one of these medications. There are also some supplements that have shown some benefit. Pelvic floor physical therapy has also shown benefit in some cases. Ad as mentioned about, a sexual therapist or traditional therapist really can help.
When do you need to see a provider?
We are available to assess you at any time you are concerned with your sexual desire. We can take a thorough history and do a physical exam to better understand what the underlying cause is and will come up with a plan with the goal to make this part of your life better.
Here at Premier OB-Gyn, we do not shy away from these conversations and are eager to help you find ways to achieve the sexual satisfaction every woman deserves.
Do you have questions about your sex drive? All of us here at Premier OB-Gyn are happy to answer your questions and make you feel as comfortable as possible. Book your appointment today!
Premier OB-Gyn is accepting new patients in both our Maitland, FL and Oviedo, FL locations. We would be happy to see you! Please call 321-397-1212 or visit www.premierob-gyn.com to book your appointment!
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